June 10, 2013

Simple Summer Fun

We're finished with homeschooling, but does it ever really end?  Summer brings adventure and exploring!  No pressure, no tests, just good old fashioned fun and beautiful memories being made.

We're aiming for simple summer fun ... the kind of fun many of us had when we were children, with no ipods or cell phone, no video games and parents who made us go outside to play.

Just the other day at my son's soccer game, a little girl was there picking buttercups.  She wasn't even aware that these sweet little yellow buds can reveal your love (or disdain) for butter!  As I showed her how to hold that blossom under my chin, her eyes widened and she ran away squealing in delight.  She then had to test out everyone in her family.  
I realized then that our children lack those simple joys we had in our childhood.   
Time to bring them back!

So this summer, join me in having some good old fashioned summer fun while enjoying the simple blessing that surround us.