Texas Horseshoes
This is such a fun new twist on horseshoes! Click here to see the rules of the game and how to make your own game.My husband made ours with relative ease and at a low cost. It is a great game for picnics, summer evenings, when having friends over...even the kids can play! Texas Horseshoes can be used as a wonderfully fun math lesson too, without the kids even realizing it. : ) It's portable, so throw it in the car and take it to an outing where everyone will enjoy it!
Tips from us:
#1 Our dimensions are different from those at the website I'm sending you to, but you can choose for yourself which one you like best.
#2 We stand ON the board when we toss our washers, unlike the folks in the picture at the link I attached. See Rule #2 on their site.
#3 We spray painted 3 washers green and 3 red, so it is easier to keep track of each players washers. Obviously, choose any color you like.
Our dimensions are:
Each board 4 ft x 1ft x 4" high, 2x4 with 1/2" plywood deck
Each hole 4 inches in diameter, spaced 1 foot apart (3 holes on each board)
Each washer is 3.5" in diameter, with a 1.5" center hole
Top each deck with low pile indoor/outdoor carpeting
Have fun! We know you will.