May 1, 2010

Today's Devotional

Matthew 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Two well-bred, blue-blooded dogs were walking primly along the street with their noses held high. They encountered a big scruffy dog who obviously was of the Heinz-57-Varieties pedigree. At first they tried daintily to side step the friendly alley dog, but they were unable to do so. He was eager to make friends and trotted alongside them. One of the lady dogs said, "We really must go," to which the alley dog replied, "Well, All right, but first tell me your names so I'll know what to call you dames if I see you again." The purebred replied haughtily, "My name is Miji, spelled M-I-J-I." The other said daintily, "My name is Miki, spelled M-I-K-I.""Pleased to meet you," said the low-class dog, and then he added, "My name is Fido, spelled P-H-Y-D-E-A-U-X."
Home should be a place where there is no room for pride. Respect and self-dignity, yes, but haughty arrogance born of position? No! Respect your little ones and serve them. Honor your elders and give your best to them. Don't play favorites in relationships, or allow a child to think he is favored. Ultimately, home should be a place marked by "equal-opportunity love."
(God's Little Devotional Book for Moms)